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Video: No on Question One, Yes on one uniting as one
After a year's time, I feel comfortable saying that California's No on 8 campaign was horrible when it came to the Netroots. I don't say this to slight anyone: It's simply a truth. There was almost nothing that we in the online community could tell the campaign that they didn't act as if they already knew, and there was little we could do for them that they seemed to even see as valid. It was intensely frustrating, considering many of us knew the issues and knew the opposition to a finer and more nuanced degree than the vast majority of the planet's residents. But nothing we could do or say seemed to be of much interest to that "official" campaign, shutting out what could have been a powerful force to have kept Prop 8 from ever taking hold.
Maine's No on 1 campaign could not be more different. They have actively engaged the Netroots since day one, and have harnessed the power of our collective community to bring resources, attention, and finances to the collective cause of equality. Those of us who do this sort of thing have remained engaged not in spite of the "official" campaign: We have been ULTRA-ENGAGED because of the campaign! For that, we say thanks.
Now in a new video, the campaign enhances the mutual lovefest by saying thanks right back at us. Listen for shout outs to this site and many others you may read (*although there are certainly countless many who didn't get a specific thanks but who have been equally key in this fight):
No On 1/Protect Maine Equality Thanks the Netroots [Open left]
Hopefully this is a new model for all future campaigns, groups, and assorted political whatnots. We in the LGBT blogosphere are no longer a "fringe" part of this fight: We ARE this fight.
Your thoughts
As a Californian, all I can do is concur!! It was surely a learning lesson .... hopefully for EQCA...I'll name them. .... and erase the other stuff I just wrote.
Here's to a positive vote in Maine and Wash State.
Oh, you heard that Appeals Court in Wash St. requires release of Ref 71 signers names?
Posted by: LOrion | Oct 16, 2009 1:12:45 PM
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