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Video: Uhm, is WA voting on domestic partnerships or communion wafers?!
In Washington state, our opposition isn't even trying to hide their wholly religious reasons for rejecting CIVIL domestic partnerships:
The biggest shock? That Adam & Eve have such '70s era hair! We really had no clue that Farrah Fawcett and Lee Majors were such Garden of Eden trendsetters!
The second biggest shock? That the Reject 71 campaign would so decidedly alienate so many voters! We know the creationist, "traditional wedding," narrowly defined faith communities are their bread and butter -- but doesn't it take a few other seeds to bear socially conservative fruit?
But whatever. Far be it from us to compain if they want to help us...
Your thoughts
They're on to you, JH! The message showing up on the video says, "The owner of this content has not given permission to embed it on this domain!" I guess GOD hasn't even approved of your usage of his content.
But that guy with Eve in the garden has some pretty nice legs and a really short dress!
Posted by: Dick Mills | Oct 5, 2009 12:26:15 PM
Anyone else notice that the only other comment on their own video is from their own account? At least they're not trying to hide their sock puppetry.
Posted by: Marcus | Oct 5, 2009 12:29:53 PM
Have you seen the tags? They are hilarious!
* anti-gay
* anti-equality
* anti-LGBT
* bans
* discrimination
* biased
* hurts families
* bad for washington
* preserves inequality
* bad for the state
* do the fair thing: approve 71!
Posted by: Piper | Oct 5, 2009 2:01:44 PM
Only Protect Marriage Washington contacts are able to comment.
Posted by: SammySeattle | Oct 5, 2009 2:21:21 PM
Uhmmmm... I'm cornfused.
They're going to protect gawd-given, holier-than-thou marriage...
By voting down a law that is not about marriage?
I tried conservative Christianity a couple times, and flunked out both times. Apparently, that was in the best interest of both of us!
Posted by: Bose | Oct 5, 2009 9:31:18 PM
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