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While we weren't looking, did Schwarzenegger do something great?

by Jeremy Hooper

So far we've seen no official confirmation. But considering Alice Kessler from Equality California is plugged into the know, we're gonna trust this tweet:

Screen Shot 2009-10-12 At 10.10.24 Am-1
@alice4eqca [Twitter]

Whoa. If true (and again, we have no reason to doubt), this would mean that the special day of significance for Harvey, the rights and benefits recognition (sans the word 'marriage') of out-of-state unions, and a state fund that supports LGBT-specific domestic violence are all now the law of the Golden State land! And this is not yet in the news?! Peeps, these are the tangible kind of things for which we march!

**UPDATE: But it's not all wins. More from Alice:

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**UPDATE2: This has all been confirmed by EQCA.

**Also from Twitter: In the midst of all the pen-pushing, @schwarzenegger sent this pic of himself:

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space gay-comment gay-G-A-Y-post gay-email gay-writer-jeremy-hooper

Your thoughts

Thanks Arnold!!

Posted by: Tim | Oct 12, 2009 1:50:01 PM

It's about fucking time, Arnold!

Posted by: Dick Mills | Oct 12, 2009 4:45:36 PM

I was hoping we could reach the Terminator Baby. Back in 2008 I said I'd vote for his democratic opponent but if he won I wouldn't scream because he'd started to become a RINO and nothing pisses cons off more than the Republican switch hitter

Posted by: Jake | Oct 12, 2009 4:48:39 PM

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