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Yes on 1's largest donor: An examination (Complete Set)
Volume 1: Unhinged billboard campaign
Volume 2: Oversimplified reduction of pro-gay comments
Volume 3: Ridiculous Vaclav Havel/Soviet empire comparisons
Volume 4: NOM board member wants to overthrow pro-gay governments
Volume 5: NOM's general counsel = quite extremist
Volume 6: Heated attack from NOM"s founder, Robert George
Volume 7: Mid-90s version of Maggie found DOMA too timid
Volume 8: Brian Brown's words: Why doesn't the "yes" campaign say truth-bearing stuff like this?
Volume 9: Maggie's highly Catholic take on your "sinful" lives
Volume 10: Marriage equality = Vietnam?
Volume 11: Maggie's unfair reduction of Iowa ruling vs. the actual Iowa ruling
Volume 12: Maggie's unfair take on Maine (detecting a theme here?)
Volume 13: Gay unions = "grassfire," per NOM guest star Rick Santorum
Volume 14: An Assembly member votes with the majority and earns abject ire
(***Note to bloggers: Feel free to to use this post in full. We'll give you the code if you want to regenerate it on your own site)
Your thoughts
Thank you for the important information you are providing.
Please correct the spelling of "Constitutional" on the US Map of Marriage Rights. That is a sacred word for all.
Posted by: Charlie | Nov 2, 2009 1:40:25 PM
it would be funny if that ship crashed lol
Posted by: Roxes /rio | Nov 3, 2009 2:37:35 PM
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