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Yes on 1's largest donor: An examination (Complete Set)

by Jeremy Hooper

Stand-For-Marriage-Maine-NOMVolume 1: Unhinged billboard campaign

Volume 2: Oversimplified reduction of pro-gay comments

Volume 3: Ridiculous Vaclav Havel/Soviet empire comparisons

Volume 4: NOM board member wants to overthrow pro-gay governments

Volume 5: NOM's general counsel = quite extremist

Volume 6: Heated attack from NOM"s founder, Robert George

Volume 7: Mid-90s version of Maggie found DOMA too timid

Volume 8: Brian Brown's words: Why doesn't the "yes" campaign say truth-bearing stuff like this?

Volume 9: Maggie's highly Catholic take on your "sinful" lives

Volume 10: Marriage equality = Vietnam?

Volume 11: Maggie's unfair reduction of Iowa ruling vs. the actual Iowa ruling

Volume 12: Maggie's unfair take on Maine (detecting a theme here?)

Volume 13: Gay unions = "grassfire," per NOM guest star Rick Santorum

Volume 14: An Assembly member votes with the majority and earns abject ire


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Your thoughts

Thank you for the important information you are providing.

Please correct the spelling of "Constitutional" on the US Map of Marriage Rights. That is a sacred word for all.

Posted by: Charlie | Nov 2, 2009 1:40:25 PM

it would be funny if that ship crashed lol

Posted by: Roxes /rio | Nov 3, 2009 2:37:35 PM

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