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Yes on 1's biggest donor: An examination (Vol. 14)

by Jeremy Hooper

They send out single issue, abjectly homo-hostile flyers like this:

Screen Shot 2009-10-27 At 3.43.18 Pm-2
Screen Shot 2009-10-27 At 3.43.01 Pm-2

Disgusting, right? And we're sure the gays exploited in the top photo will love to hear about it once we find them (and oh, we will find them).

As far as we know, NOM hasn't done this is Maine. But they have done this:

$1.1 million of the $1.4 million raised by Stand for Marriage Maine in October came from a single source: the National Organization for Marriage. In fact, the Washington, D.C., organization has bankrolled more than 60 percent of the campaign to ban same-sex marriages in Maine.
Money fueling battle over gay marriage [Bangor Daily News]

The National Organization For Marriage: This group is extremist. This group is unfair. This group is hellbent on destroying anything that gets in the way along their narrow path. At this point, this group (coupled with the Catholic church, to which NOM is strongly tied) essentially is Stand For Marriage Maine (the group pushing the 'Yes on 1' side) .

We have one week to defeat this group. What will you do to help?




Yes on 1's biggest donor: An examination (Vol. 1) [G-A-Y]
Yes on 1's biggest donor: An examination (Vol. 2) [G-A-Y]
Yes on 1's biggest donor: An examination (Vol. 3) [G-A-Y]
Yes on 1's biggest donor: An examination (Vol. 4) [G-A-Y]
Yes on 1's biggest donor: An examination (Vol. 5) [G-A-Y]
Yes on 1's biggest donor: An examination (Vol. 6) [G-A-Y]
Yes on 1's biggest donor: An examination (Vol. 7) [G-A-Y]
Yes on 1's biggest donor: An examination (Vol. 8) [G-A-Y]
Yes on 1's biggest donor: An examination (Vol. 9) [G-A-Y]
Yes on 1's biggest donor: An examination (Vol. 10) [G-A-Y]
Yes on 1's biggest donor: An examination (Vol. 11) [G-A-Y]
Yes on 1's biggest donor: An examination (Vol. 12) [G-A-Y]
Yes on 1's biggest donor: An examination (Vol. 13) [G-A-Y]

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Your thoughts

Oh... Oh god. That dudes face.

Is it bad if I don't feel bad for the fact that I spit out my drink when I scrolled down, and nearly fell out of my chair because I was laughing so hard?

Posted by: Clicky | Oct 27, 2009 6:06:20 PM

Brian keeps his abjectly homo-hostile flyer from an earlier 2006 campaign stored on NOM's site (PDF warning):


As a result of Brian's meddling in NJ's CD14, and his complete disregard for NJ campaign law, his target (Greenstein) wound up receiving $100K in public "rescue" funds.

I sure hope someone on the Maine Ethics Commission staff has taken the time to get online and get up-to-speed on Brian's long history of flaunting the rules.

Posted by: LdChino | Oct 28, 2009 5:35:27 AM

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