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Attempt to miscast the ACLU FAIL

by Jeremy Hooper

Mat-Staver-1Speaking about the ongoing situation involving an Alabama lesbian who wishes to take her girlfriend to the prom, the Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver says the following about his opponents at the ACLU:

"anything that is anti-moral, anti-religious liberty, and anti-freedom, you can always find them on the other side."
ACLU defends lesbian student on prom issue [ONN]

And you know what? We couldn't agree with Mat more! The ACLU certainly does stand on the other side of things that are anti-moral, anti-religious liberty, and anti-freedom.

Anti-morality of the kind that denies LGBT people of their worth as human beings? The ACLU is on the other side!

Anti-religious liberty of the kind that puts evangelicals' religious beliefs above civil rights? The ACLU is on the other side!

Anti-freedom of the kind that denies a student of her freedom to go to a public school function with the fellow citizen that she chooses? The ACLU is on the other side!

So yea, thanks for acknowledging this reality, Mat. Now please get off the same side of all of these "anti-s" so that the majority will finally come over to the side of peace.

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Your thoughts

The ACLU's sole purpose is to defend the Constitution of the US. That's it. Make sure the Constitution is upheld for everyone in the country. That's all they do.

So if you're anti-ACLU, you're anti-US Constitution. It boggles my mind that people don't get that.

Posted by: Em | Nov 13, 2009 2:21:35 PM

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