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Audio: Thank you for your call, now let us denigrate your faith and 'lifestyle'

by Jeremy Hooper

Respectful, reasonable caller: Can we please drop the dangerous "war" rhetoric and start rationally talking about issues like complex human beings? Thank you for your time.

Anti-LGBT personalities David Wheaton and Robert Knight: No, you sinner! And how dare you call yourself a Christian? Or a person, for that matter? You're just a tactical militant in need of changing!!!!!!!!! Now listen to us misrepresent situations like the Pennsylvania hate crimes matter, as we refuse to listen to anything that interferes with our preconceived monologue:

*Source: A Christian Response to America’s New Civil War (Part 2) [Christian Worldview]

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Your thoughts

"this whole sex reassignment thing"
"this whole gay marriage thing"
"this whole gay thing"

I think the christian right are the ones who are deluding themselves. The very language they use makes it easier for them to ignore that the PEOPLE they are constantly condemning are actual people with actual lives and feelings.

That's hate if I've ever heard of it.

Posted by: Ashton | Nov 23, 2009 6:12:24 PM

Those eleven Christians who were arrested at a gay pride rally were facing forty-five years in prison? For "singing hymns and preaching the gospel"? LOL!

Now, I'm pretty positive that is not all that happened. These people who call themselves "Christians" while they suffocate those people who only wish to live as the HUMANS THEY ARE are always speaking so obviously ignorant that I can't even see them as people myself. While some of the best people I know follow this religion, that is what separates the real believers from the faux: they're acceptance. It's sad that they hold themselves in such high esteem as they really portray themselves as a joke. A sick, cruel, and many times dangerous joke.

We need to rise above tolerance, I'm sure, but it is also true that we need to reach it, for the people dearest to my heart are still being put out to pasture for who they are.

Posted by: Elly | Nov 23, 2009 6:39:11 PM

Elly: We have written post after post about what really happened to those Philadelphia Christians. It is one of the far-right's biggest lies.

They weren't arrested for their message -- what happened was that they were using a bullhorn to drown out a stage performance with anti-gay shouts, which led several on-site to confront them. This then led the police to ask them to move in order to prevent any potential violence, which they reportedly refused. Then and only then did lead to the demonstrators to be arrested for such charges as failure to disperse, possessing an instrument of crime (a bullhorn), obstructing a highway, criminal conspiracy, and disorderly conduct. And yes, under Pennsylvania's hate crimes law they were also given the charge of "ethnic intimidation" (charges that were later dropped in criminal court) -- but in order to receive this additional charge, they had to first engage in behavior that the officers found unlawful!


Posted by: G-A-Y | Nov 23, 2009 6:56:57 PM


Robert Knight KNOWS that he is telling a lie. He doesn't care because he was in safe territory. No one will be refuting his lie on that radio show. Don't be fooled by folks like Robert Knight. I once was able to meet him and ask him point blank about why his side uses the work of Paul Cameron. His answer was extremely blase. "Yes we have used him," he said, "so what."

One more thing about Repent America - they tried to sue the city for arresting them and lost the case. It was ruled that the police had proper cause to arrest them after their behavior at the festival.

Posted by: a. mcewen | Nov 23, 2009 8:02:59 PM

Well, at least they used the correct pronouns.

Posted by: PINGAS | Nov 23, 2009 8:04:42 PM

Alvin: Surely you know me well enough to know that I know that they know they are lying. ;-)

And yes, RA supporters forget those little details about the arrest, don't they? They also conveniently overlook RA's CRAZY extremism, turning Marcavage into an innocent who has never courted controversy one day in his life.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Nov 23, 2009 8:09:42 PM

I know. LOL I just can't stand it when they repeat that story though. You have to wonder do some of these folks have any decency at all.

Posted by: a. mcewen | Nov 23, 2009 8:48:13 PM

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