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Audio: Weird, why didn't they call us 'the enemy' in their official ads?

by Jeremy Hooper

During the campaign, she was simply a "teacher":

Now Charla's back in her real, always-was role: Campaign worker who fallaciously hid her affiliations (and the fact that she teaches as a small, private, Christian school), likely because the "yes" campaign couldn't find an actual public school teacher to step in and speak their discriminatory lines! And in this role, Charla's revealing some interesting things. Like, for instance, we now learn that Charla herself has not been the best "marriage defender," as she herself is divorced. And most importantly, we get a full-on admittance that the campaign's supposed support of domestic partnerships was the outright pile cacapoopoo that we all knew it to be, as Charla, one of the campaign's closest allies, specifically cites domestic partnerships as a negative that speaks to the need for the Pine Tree State to adopt a constitutional ban!

Oh, and she also happily goes along when host Martha Kleder refers to us as "the enemy." Listen in to what a majority of Maine voters approved:

*Audio source: Victory for Marriage in Maine! [CWA]
**SEE ALSO: Charla was also on the overheated Janet Porter's radio show. (H/t: RWW)

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Your thoughts

Always, when they take the mask off, the truth comes out. And always, we're the losers in this sick game.

Posted by: Buffy | Nov 5, 2009 6:45:40 PM

Buffy, I feel it's because when our rights are put to referendum, our campaigns focus more on "We are nice, we are like you" and less on publicly exposing the lies of the Right. Granted, there should be both, but sometimes (and especially after this campaign) I feel we should play on a level field with these devils and expose their bullshit as well as promote ourselves as equals.

Posted by: h | Nov 5, 2009 7:26:45 PM

It was strange to hear Charla talk about all the people on their knees - did she forget just a short time ago about all the "church" people who were spending a LOT of time on their knees molesting the "children" of Maine - and they're concerned that the "children" of Maine might learn about marriage equality. What a bunch of bullshit comes out of that "holier than thou" mouth!

Posted by: tom | Nov 5, 2009 9:26:38 PM

did she just say that there was pornography in the church?

Posted by: Stan | Dec 11, 2009 3:23:32 PM

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