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Carrie tends to her Garden

by Jeremy Hooper

Tomorrow night, Carrie Prejean will be in New Jersey, teaching Garden Staters about the virtues of marriage, Christianity, sanctity, and all that nonsense:


She'll surely have much to talk about:

We have more info on Carrie Prejean's abrupt about-face during the settlement negotiations with Miss California USA lawyers -- when they showed her the X-Rated version of Home Alone ... starring Carrie herself.

When the video started playing, Carrie's first reaction was "that's disgusting" ... and Carrie denied it was her.

Then, the camera angle changed ... and panned up to her face. She was caught red-handed ... so to speak.
*Read more
: Carrie Prejean -- The Change of Heart [TMZ]

**UPDATE, 11/6: Someone pulled out [G-A-Y]

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Your thoughts

I really hope this is true, as it would prove without a doubt that she is a lying hypocrite. But I do have to say that I'd feel much more comfortable hearing from a source other than TMZ :(

If only this had leaked to, say, the Washington Post.

Additionally, if she was entirely in the wrong, why did the Miss California people drop the $5,200 in breat enhancement, and then pay her lawyers $100,00?

I want this to be true, I really do - but we need more concrete details from a more trustworthy source.

Posted by: DN | Nov 5, 2009 10:44:33 AM

Think she'll cancel the appearance? or will she spin it to blame it on "teh gays"?

Posted by: keltic | Nov 5, 2009 10:45:48 AM

I can already see the mocked up versions of that poster with one of the more "provocative" stills from the SEX TAPE! I wonder if the Gagger or "Brain" Brown have sex-tapes? I would pay good money for one of those.. especially if the two are in the same one!

Posted by: Dick Mills | Nov 5, 2009 10:49:22 AM

I wonder if the attendees will want to shake hands with her.

Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | Nov 5, 2009 12:41:12 PM

"Home Alone" "solo vid"?! Good Gawd who wants to see that? Geez, here I was hoping it was a video of her and Michael Phelps. That I way I could revel in her disgrace and see a hot guy naked. Oh well, can't have everything.

Posted by: WilliamM | Nov 5, 2009 1:44:27 PM

Aaaahhh, the delicious schadenfruede. Good for a laugh but all the girl has to do is claim that she converted after she made the tape. Who knows maybe she will make up an even nicer story about that moment when the question was asked. " It was at that moment that the holy spirit entered me and I knew that everything I had done in my life was a mistake and god gave me the answer" kind of crap. And the Talibangelists will believe her or, pretend to believe her, and everything will be okay as long as she keeps in line from now on and keep s spewing the right wing hate talk.

Posted by: stevie | Nov 5, 2009 9:16:14 PM

Thank GOD for aids! May you all die a slow painful death begging for mercy that will not come. You are all sick freaks who spread like disease by raping young boys. Once the left wing liberals are taken care of, your next on the list to go. Better run to canada soon. Better yet, stay around a bit longer, I look forward to following the body count as you are exterminated from our planet.

Posted by: James | Nov 6, 2009 11:00:10 AM


Rather than froth at the mouth about people you don't know, why don't you try to get to know some of us? I am willing to share if you are. I will require more civility than what you have shown so far, but I'm sure your message here was written in a heated moment of passion. I look forward to hearing from you!

Posted by: DN | Nov 6, 2009 1:27:13 PM

Thank GOD for aids! May you all die a slow painful death begging for mercy that will not come. You are all sick freaks who spread like disease by raping young boys. Once the left wing liberals are taken care of, your next on the list to go. Better run to canada soon. Better yet, stay around a bit longer, I look forward to following the body count as you are exterminated from our planet.

Posted by: James | Nov 6, 2009 11:00:10 AM
You need to take your delusions and leave the solar system. I'm hetero, and the one thing that sets me off is someone like you who spreads your filth all over the intertubes. I hope the FBI is tracking your posts because you are fomenting violence against Americans based on your warped interpretations of their lifestyle. I'm not going to stoop to your level and say something ugly about what I think should happen to you, but I am going to say, "Get mental health counseling, ASAP."

P.S I'm liberal, female, African American, supportive of LBTGQ efforts to gain total equality in America, and armed. Jump whenever you get ready. We're waiting, and we believe in defending ourselves just as you do.

Posted by: majii | Nov 6, 2009 3:31:06 PM

James, it's a shame there's no hell for you to go to.

Posted by: dasdasdas | Nov 6, 2009 11:20:31 PM

James, dude lose the rage. The gay community and people like majii are wonderful, giving people. And we'll be here for you when you're ready to deal with your issues. And as majii said, please get some counseling!

Posted by: Dan | Nov 7, 2009 12:31:59 AM

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