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God hates gays, yet loves calling Barack Obama a murderer?!

by Jeremy Hooper

Is Westboro Baptist Church's newest sign actionable?


We fully support this kooky clan's right to protest. Always have. But flat-out calling our sitting president a murderer? Is that not a new, unexplored line, even for the Phelpses? And doesn't it constitute defamation?

Surely someone here took Batsh*t Crazy Law That You Never Thought You'd Actually Have To Use 101. Let us know your expertise.

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Your thoughts

Why are we still talking about these nutjobs? They love love LOVE attention. Let's not give them any.

Posted by: Bearchewtoy75 | Nov 11, 2009 10:35:17 AM

To recite the argument for the ten billionth time: There are two schools of thought with Westboro -- ignore them or highlight their extremism. This site tends to opt for the latter (even though rarely do we cover them these days).

Posted by: G-A-Y | Nov 11, 2009 10:39:30 AM

I abhor the Phelpses words and signs as much as anyone, but to be fair, it's not unexplored territory to call the sitting president a murderer. Plenty of libs (such as myself) said more-or-less the same thing about Bush and the 4000+ American soldiers killed in his unethical, unnecessary, illegal war in Iraq.

Posted by: Scott | Nov 11, 2009 11:23:58 AM

Well, the sign doesn't say Obama killed anyone specifically, so I bet they're ok. The whole fam-damily are lawyers, and while they maybe crazy as shithouse rats, I never got the impression they were stupid.

Posted by: ColdCountry | Nov 11, 2009 11:34:22 AM

I'm with Scott on this one!

Posted by: Alonzo | Nov 11, 2009 2:52:22 PM

Hell, If they would read the new testiment they would realize that Christ was gay!

He took 12 boys from their families and slept with them.
(we know that Christ was a sound sleeper because they had to wake him when the boat was rocking. But with 12 healthy young men on board, go figure, he was probably used to it.)

He ungirded himself and washed their feet and then his beloved layed on his breast.

If he was in a christian college he would be kicked out.

I don't see how these fools say they follow Christ if they don't sleep with 12 boyfriends.

Posted by: LaMarr | Nov 12, 2009 1:38:43 AM

I don't think it's actionable, because they don't claim that Obama physically held the gun or otherwise enabled the shooter. Rather, they believe that his "evil" actions incited a vengeful God to "punish" the soldiers at Fort Hood. As kooky as their reasoning may sound to most of us, because it's based on their religious beliefs I believe they are protected, and should be.

Posted by: Rachel Snyder | Nov 14, 2009 5:55:15 PM

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