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Hey NJ lawmakers: They vote out Corzine, not your spine!

by Jeremy Hooper

"Wait until November of 2009." That is what those of us in gay rights circles have been told by prominent New Jersey officials for the past year or more. We were told that we needed to support the governor and the lawmakers that support us, and wait our turn for the legislature to do what it should have done to begin with: vote in full marriage equality. We were assured by most of these same folks that this vote would happen in the late fall of this year, regardless of a Corzine win/loss. It was the rally cry. A "remember the Alamo" for any Als who happen to be.

But now we're here. Now Corzine's loss is official. Now the Catholic church is overstepping its bounds with far too little push back from progressives. Now NOM is dividing the state (and its neighbors) with abject nastiness. And now lawmakers are becoming more skittish than a Garden Stater who told his wife he was going out to get diapers but instead took his paycheck to Atlantic City for a one-shot roulette bet.

Star-Ledger columnist Tom Moran calls them out on it:

Marriage equality was supposed to be the big prize, the final measure of respect, a sign that gay families were indeed equal under the law.

Instead, gay couples and their children are getting another ugly reminder that their families are regarded as second-class, as something less than the families next door.

Gay activists are bitter about what they see as betrayal. Democrats, especially Gov. Jon Corzine, told them over and over to wait for this moment.

And now they are getting tepid support, or none at all.
A surprisingly dark day for gay rights in New Jersey [Star-Ledger]

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Your thoughts

Corzine and the Democrats in Trenton are just like Obama and the Democrats in Congress, great at making promises and taking our money, but with no intention of actually doing anything for us. I beleive the Democrats need to be taught a lesson, even if it means putting the Republicans back in power for a few years. I see no real difference.

Posted by: Ken | Nov 30, 2009 2:04:20 PM

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