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In a New York state of [just frickin' do it already!]

by Jeremy Hooper

NY-marriageSo by now you surely know that the New York Senate did not vote on a marriage equality bill yesterday. So when, then? This from the Daily News' Elizabeth Benjamin:

Flanked by four rank-and-file Senate Democrats and ESPA Executive Director Alan Van Capelle, Gov. David Paterson this evening announced there will be a gay marriage vote at "a date not certain between now and the end of the year."

This is the first time that the Senate leadership has indicated that it will support a vote on marriage equality," Paterson said during Red Room press conference that followed a meeting at which the question of bringing the bill to the floor to fail tonight was yet again discussed - and apparently rejected.

"This is a stunning and very happy development in this process," the governor continued. "...I will continue to place marriage equality on any special sessions that I call on Monday and Tuesday because I feel that the bill should be debated immediately. However, I have profound respect for the leadership of the Senate and the process that they took to bring us to this vote."

Read more: On Senate's Behalf, Paterson Pledges An '09 Gay Marriage Vote [NYDN]

So we have a promised '09 vote, which is something. But can we win? Will the lawmakers bend towards the peaceful Eric Adams rather than in the direction of the divisive Rubén Díaz? Will NY gays be dashing to book the Plaza before year's end? Stay tuned.

Albany may be somewhat of a circus. But from those three rings could come our deserved two.

*If you're particularly wonky and curious, read Elizabeth Benjamin's fascinating/frustrating/alienating take on what went down during yesterday's closed-door meeting: Marriage NOT Moving (Updated) [NYDN]

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Your thoughts

Ya gotta give Gov. Paterson an E for Effort!

Posted by: Gavin | Nov 11, 2009 10:13:47 AM

On the topic of marriage equality, I find little to no fault with Gov. Paterson.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Nov 11, 2009 10:19:58 AM

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