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Just head as far right as possible, and you too shall find it

by Jeremy Hooper

It's a big day for conservatives claiming to have pinpointed the location of modern-day Sodom. Anti-gay writer Star Parker places it in our nation's capital. But for the writers at WorldNetDaily, the GPS takes them out west to Los Angeles:

Screen Shot 2009-11-23 At 12.45.22 Pm-3

Well we do hear that most of the performers entered through the rear. Maybe they're on to something.

Though we personally think Sodom is like Christmas: As long as the magic is in your heart, then it will remain with you wherever you may travel.

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Your thoughts

When you put quotes around 'Modern Sodom' isn't that equivalent to saying "Not Even Similar To A Modern Sodom"? Or, "So Called Modern Sodom"? And, I'm guessing that is not the sentiment that they intended to convey?? I mean, these people went to the trouble of co-opted the usage, but they're too incompetent (stupid / silly / slothful) to use it properly.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Nov 23, 2009 4:12:28 PM

Well actually, Dick, they did that because they've attributed the "modern Sodom" quip to some unnamed, unattributed observer. But i can't find this supposed observer in any news report anywhere.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Nov 23, 2009 4:18:21 PM

What's with the quotes around "gay"?

Posted by: Yuki | Nov 23, 2009 4:43:22 PM

I wasn't a fan of Lambert's song or performance. In fact, I think the current music climate is so sexualized that it has become ridiculous. Lambert isn't a sex symbol, and I don't think he's as talented or good-looking as, apparently, he and his handlers think he is. Primetime network television isn't the place for simulated oral, no matter the sexes involved. (I don't want censorship or banning or whatever, but I wish the network's execs had thought things through a bit more.)

From the theological angle: Are we Sodom? Of course we are. All societies are Sodom. We glorify wanton sexuality (both homo and hetero) and revel in our own selfishness. Despite the millions of starving people in this world, advertisers will spend millions upon millions of dollars on tonight's Monday Night Football game, lining the pockets of already-rich network executives. Now we can either scream and yell about it on WingNut Daily, or we can do something progressive to help ease the suffering of others. I prefer the latter.

Posted by: Brian | Nov 23, 2009 5:08:28 PM

Oh Brian, chill out.

I am a fan of Adam, normally love his work. But did not feel his performance last night was up to what I know he can do. As for the theatrics, that was Adam, being Adam.

Expressing your opinion by extrapolating all of the worlds problems, and somehow relating it to Adam's performance last night, is a bit much, isn't it?

I guess we can assume from all of your rhetoric, you did not like or agree with, his performance or theatrics. Enough said...


Posted by: Ken | Nov 23, 2009 6:10:25 PM

Ok, now everyone who sees me post on here knows I am like 150% pro gay everything. However, I don't think Lambert's performance last night was at all respectable or appropriate.

It has nothing to do with the gay kiss - it was more about the blatant sxuality and graphic movements and stuff. Now, mind you, I'm the most liberal person ever when it comes to sex - I personally loathe Carrie prejean for cowing down to the moral right and apologizing for her sex tapes instead of standing up for herself and saying "fuck you, yes, I made a video of myself for a guy I was involved with, I'm not ashamed, it was my decision and I won't apologize". Among many, many other reasons, of course...regardless, I don't think the oral sex simulation was appropriate at all, only because you know there were definitely kids watching this for the Miley Cyrus and Jonas Brothers and Taylor Swifts, and yes, even Lambert because of his AI shtick. I don't blame some parents of younger kids for getting upset about it. It's network television, not cable. I'd be pissed if my non-existant ten year old child saw Lambert do this on TV without any warning (and I'd be equally pissed if it was Lady Gaga simulating oral sex on a guy, keep in mind).

For me, I wasn't revolted by Lambert's sexuality by ANY means - I was revolted by the unneccessary sexuality of the whole performance. And personally, I think the song is awful :).

Posted by: Stef | Nov 24, 2009 12:15:04 AM

Yeah, Ken, I wasn't amazingly clear, and I pushed it too far. Consider it the internal murmurings of a much bigger idea that I'm still developing. I get frustrated with WND and its crappy theology and politics, and sometimes I write stuff that makes perfect sense in my brain and my brain alone. Suffice it to say that I don't think Mr. Lambert is related to all the world's problems. It was a broad leap and one I shouldn't have made. Apologies, sir.

Posted by: Brian | Nov 24, 2009 1:30:21 AM

This whole thing echoes ghosts of old ladies scraming over thei teacups about "how indecent that Elvis guy swinging his hips that way on national television". On another seance session I totally saw Mr. Lambert canneling a 20 yeas ago Madonna albeit with much less phisical atributes to take on a dance+sing+provoque schtick. Now let´s pull our shawls take another tea sip and realize the only thing new here was that this was made by a MALE performer, sice females performers have been doing this provocations waaaay back since Marlene et alii. I hope Mr L. keep his act any chance he gets.

Posted by: Roger | Nov 24, 2009 7:59:43 AM

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