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Oh would you look at that? Hate crimes rose right alongside far-right's lies

by Jeremy Hooper

Here are the hate crimes statistics from the 2005-2007 reporting periods:


'05, '06, and '07 [FBI]

And here's the new data, which was just released:

Screen Shot 2009-11-23 At 10.12.52 Am
2008 [FBI]

These would be up. In incidents, in offenses, in victims, and in offenders -- ALL categories involving sexual orientation are UP.

It was just a few weeks ago that we caught the Family Research Council and its head, Tony Perkins, spinning the data to actually make it sound as if bias-motivated crimes are going down. Well here you go, Tony: More data to prove you wrong.

We don't take any joy in being right about this increase in violence and pain. Now it's time for the religious right to stop taking so much pride in being so willfully wrong about the same.

**UPDATE: Just last week, Tony Perkins said the following about the '07 hate crimes data:

Gee, wonder why he never looked at the sexual orientation data in and of itself. Must have been an oversight, right T-dog?

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Your thoughts

As our Canadian slapper friend Mark said, this stuff rises with the rhetoric.


Posted by: Timothy (TRiG) | Nov 23, 2009 11:02:46 AM

Hey guys, for the longest time, now, I have been hearing that in those states where marriage equality was put to a popular vote, and in those areas where NOM's and FOF's ads played, that hate crimes and gay bashing levels suddenly skyrocketed! Has anyone else heard about this? And, have any reports or studies been drafted that substantiate what I have been hearing?

Posted by: Wade | Nov 23, 2009 12:51:54 PM

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