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Take that, Maine soup kitchens!
$115,266: That's the grand total of Focus on the Family's donations to Maine to combat equality:
Focus donates $115,266 to Maine gay marriage fight [AP via Boston Globe]
Just one of the many hundreds of thousands of dollars that the self-appointed morality police forced society to waste on this unnecessary, unprovoked fight.
But hey, think about all of the Mainers who are demonstrably more safe and protected today. Oh wait a minute...
Your thoughts
I briefly heard something on the radio today that said people in Maine did not like the "outside the state" money and people that came in to the process. If that is the case, did FOF raise all that money from the people of Maine?
Posted by: Bob Miller | Nov 5, 2009 2:35:49 PM
I think that's a total canard, Bob. Unfortunately the media bought into it.
These fights are always going to have national attention, both sides.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Nov 5, 2009 2:53:02 PM
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