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Video: There'll come a November when we can stay inside. This one ain't it
Gay Marriage Supporters Protest Church [Fox 23]
Last year I spent most of the holiday season sick, I believe from the constant marching and chanting in the face of both cold weather and cold bias. But hey, as long as there are folks in this country trying to make us seem and sound like Satan, Santa is a small sacrifice.
Your thoughts
As Wanda Sykes said, "The Republicans were quick to claim on Tuesday that their victories were a repudiation of President Obama. The truth is, voters in Virginia, New Jersey and New York said their decisions had nothing to do with Obama. And voters in Maine, who voted down gay marriage, said their decisions had nothing to do with fairness or compassion."
Posted by: Marce Wyzdyx | Nov 9, 2009 2:34:09 PM
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