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Video: What do you want Meredith to call the tape, Carrie -- 'Judy'?
"Today" producers aren't doing us any favors by showing a clip package that acts as if all of the pushback towards Carrie has been Perezian in nature. But then again, Carrie does herself no favors by being so Coutler/Malkin/Hassebeckian in her immediate and unprovoked embrace of conserva-gression:
Geez, if Meredith wanted to be yelled at by a young, blonde, Republican, she would have stayed at "The View"!
But we're simply loving the Justice Sotomayor comparison! Because of course we all remember when Sonia S. lost out to Ruth Bader Ginsberg in the evening gown round after giving a technically errant answer on a civil rights matter, then proceeded to turn her inaccuracies into a national tour of anti-gay hostility, wherein she acted as if "free speech" means that you can say whatever the hell you want without scrutiny. And of course there were Justice Sotomayor's topless photos, sex tapes, contract breaches, and constant excuses (and refusal to take responsibility) for the same. You all saw those right? So yea -- Carrie and Sonia? One = same.
*EARLIER: Last night she was on "Hannity." Sean didn't literally bring pom poms to the interview. But I swear he would have still kept cheering even if Carrie chopped off his foot and fed it to him on camera: CARRIE PREJEAN ON SEX TAPE: 'CALL IT WHATEVER YOU WANT' [Towle]
Your thoughts
Boo-Hoo Poor silly Git
Typical hypocritical right wing asshole...she's perfect for the Republican Party. I wonder if she will ever realize she creates her own problems My body is a temple so I'll pose nude in sexually explicit shots? what kind of logic is that? .If she thinks she's under attack she should try being queer for even a week
Posted by: John Normile | Nov 10, 2009 8:36:35 AM
I'm stunned that NOM and Maggie Gallagher received no mention during the course of the 8 minute interview. I wonder if the Prejean-NOM-Gallgher connection is now off limits, and a taboo being respected by all that "liberal" media.
Posted by: Mike Tidmus | Nov 10, 2009 1:00:15 PM
Carrie Prejean doesn't deserve the use of Sigur Rós.
Posted by: Christopher Eberz | Nov 10, 2009 1:20:24 PM
It does sound like she's been coached by NOM, Mike. Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
Posted by: Matt Algren | Nov 10, 2009 1:32:18 PM
Everyone: She does still use CPR public relations, which is the same firm that NOM uses. And of course Charles Limandri, her lawyer, is also NOM's general counsel.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Nov 10, 2009 1:48:54 PM
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