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What the hell does the AFA want, Jesus wrapped in swaddling skinny jeans?
This year, The Gap specifically mentions Christmas in its ads:
Yet that's still not good enough for the American Family Association, an organization that will boycott any outfit that they find to be either too pro-gay or too "anti-Christmas." This year, these rabid social conservatives have built their entire "war on Xmas" campaign around the false idea that Gap isn't showing enough respect to tinsel-trimmed trees:
AFA is calling for a limited two-month boycott of Gap, Old Navy and Banana Republic, the three stores owned by San Francisco-based Gap Inc., over the company’s censorship of the word "Christmas."
The boycott is part of our ongoing campaign to encourage businesses, communities and individuals to put Christ back in Christmas. The boycott runs from November 1 through Christmas Day.
Boycott Gap, Old Navy and Banana Republic this Christmas [AFA]
It's ridiculous, no matter what. But as you can tell from the above TV spot, it's also an outright lie! Christmas gets a specific shout out! What, because it has to share space with other celebrations that Gap's customer base may honor with dollar$, does that offend the AFA? The mistletoe-laden myopia is simply unreal!
Ugh, it's making us more nauseous than year-old eggnog. So go to our friend Joe.My.God if you care to learn more about the AFA's childish endeavor: AFA Expands "Christmas" Hit List [J.M.G]
Your thoughts
Adding the Gap to their boycott on the occasion of this advertisement proves (yet again) the AFA's bigotry. The only reason to boycott a company that explicitly mentions Christmas in its holiday advertising for being "anti-Christmas" is because the ad also references Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. As if we needed any more evidence to prove that the christianist religious right doesn't believe in religious freedom (or only wants it to apply to them).
Posted by: Brad | Nov 16, 2009 11:41:35 AM
What they want is for Gap to not mention those other holidays as well. The others are not real. And that "Holiday Cheer" at the end is icing on the cake for these people.
They really are a freak show, which is why their list gets so much attention.
Posted by: Steve | Nov 16, 2009 11:50:27 AM
Inclusive? The Gap equated Christmas with "whatever you Wannukah".
Posted by: Timothy Kincaid | Nov 16, 2009 3:24:07 PM
"Equated," TK? After listing holidays, and specifically mentioning Christmas, they supported doing "whatever you wannukah." Since when are we against that?
Posted by: G-A-Y | Nov 16, 2009 3:36:32 PM
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