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Better luck next year, corn
Associated Press members have named Iowa's high court-initiated marriage equality as the state's top story of '09:
The court decision and Iowa’s status as the only Midwestern state with gay marriage made it the top story of 2009, as voted by newspaper and broadcast members of The Associated Press.
There was plenty competition for that ranking in a year awash in economic problems and heartbreaking tragedies as well as football glory and an achingly slow but bountiful harvest.
But it was gay marriage that captured the most attention.
Associated Press announces Iowa's top stories for 2009 [AP via Ottumwa]
Cool. But the real goal, of course: For none of this to be a story at all!
Your thoughts
Well put, Jeremy! But, couldn't they call it "marriage equality", rather than "gay marriage"? But, right now, I'm terrified that mag's might have her way in my simple state and succeed in getting our rights put up to a vote by manipulating our disgusting Republicans! Why they made gays a target of their hostility and voting-power is anyone's guess! I just pray to my gods that the Constitutional Convention will not be passed... *shudders*
Posted by: Wade MacMorrighan | Jan 1, 2010 12:05:49 AM
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