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D.C.: Dissed Rick (and his fiancé Steve) get first amends

by Jeremy Hooper

DC-gayBy a 11-2 vote, the D.C. City Council just voted in favor of marriage equality! A second vote will happen later this month, and then there is a 30 day congressional review period.

So in D.C., first comes love, then comes a hurdle, then comes another hurdle, then comes a wait, then comes marriage. But we're getting there, kiddies. And with this win, will come great capital for US.

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Your thoughts

Seems like the closer it is the further it is. Always a new hurdle..but 30 days will be here faster than we know it. Especially with the Christmas season! I can't wait untill its a done deal. Still 2 weeks..and then only 2 more. Yippeee!!!


Posted by: Stone | Dec 1, 2009 12:34:50 PM

Actually Stone, it requires a Second vote in two weeks, then once the Mayor signs the law, which he has said he will, it's 30 Congressional Working days. Will probably be more mid to late February.

But that's how we Washingtonians get to live life, as the de facto last Colony on Earth.

Posted by: Scott | Dec 1, 2009 2:21:14 PM

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