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In a related story, we like to get buzzed at gay marriages
The New York Times' Styles section has chosen "gaymarry" as one if its buzzwords of '09:
The Buzzwords of 2009 [NYT]
Of course seeing as how the publication is based in New York, the writer had to first go to Connecticut and pledge commitment to the piece before returning home to have it recognized.
Your thoughts
I'm sorry... but I've never heard ANYONE use the word "gaymarry." Further, I don't think the NYT should be using the phrase to belittle what should be perfectly acceptable forms of union.
Otherwise, they might as well put "gay" (the meaning of something undesirable, stupid) and "faggot" (the meaning of something undesirable, stupid) on the buzzword list as well. They're used a lot more often, after all.
Posted by: TommyOC | Dec 23, 2009 4:17:50 PM
Yea, it's a little offputting.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Dec 23, 2009 4:58:17 PM
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