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Live from New York: It's finally gonna happen?! (SEE UPDATES)
We just heard NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn say that she's getting on a train to Albany. And since she's one busy, connected lesbian who's not likely to waste a Tuesday night on yet another non-start, we're pretty damn well convinced that a marriage equality vote is going to come up tonight in the NY Senate!
When the fun begins (around 9PM), you'll be able to watch it all here. Fingers crossed, kidrens:
**UPDATE: I'm pretty sure I just heard the video pop on and say that the Senate is adjourning until tomorrow morning at 10AM. Did anyone else hear it, or am I hallucinating (which are not necessarily independent notions, btw)?
**UPDATE2: Yep, I heard correctly. 10 AM tomorrow. Blue balls yet again.
**UPDATE: 12/2: Well, they took it up and it bit it. Hard. Here's archived audio, and here's the disgusting roll call vote.
Your thoughts
I'm shocked! politicans kicking the can down the road because they don't have the (blue) balls to take a stand one way or the other?
Posted by: Eric | Dec 1, 2009 9:22:38 PM
What is one more day? The suspense is kind of like foreplay, just hope for a grande finale!
Posted by: Suzanne | Dec 2, 2009 1:26:13 AM
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