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Openly human officer (who happens to be a lesbian) gets federal gig
Congrats to Sharon Lubinski, who has been confirmed by the Senate to become America's first openly LGBT U.S. Marshal:
Minnesota’s next U.S. Marshal will be Minneapolis’ openly gay Assistant Police Chief Sharon Lubinski. Her confirmation by the U.S. Senate was announced Monday morning by Minnesota Democrat Amy Klobuchar, who recommended her.
Senate approves openly gay U.S. Marshal for Minnesota [Star Tribune]
One small step for lesbian; one giant leap for federal courthouse security guards who'll understand your Bette Porter references!
But it's not just an LGBT milestone. According to the Star Tribune, Lubinski now becomes "the state's first female U.S. marshal and one of only two women in the nation currently serving in the post."
So it's good news all around. Unless, of course, you are an anti-gay misogynist who loathes Canadian-bordering states. In which case: Kiss my pride-colored NOW membership card, because you don't know what you're talking aboot.
Your thoughts
As a former Minnesotan, I would like to say that, yee gads, we don't ALL talk like the actors in Fargo. Just my Aunt Bonnie and all her relatives.
Although sometimes, I admit it, I do elongate my O's when actually saying the state's name. Some things just don't seem possible to change.
Congrats, Lubinski!
Posted by: Aya | Dec 29, 2009 3:24:26 PM
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