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Our opponents 'protect marriage'; we protect our Band-Aid supply
In the past, we've noted Bishop Harry Jackson's love for invoking harsh words like "Armageddon" when referring to gay activists and marriage equality. His latest just might take the hyperbolic cake:
In future races, religious people are going to start going after people's political careers. In D.C., some very vulnerable black councilmen went along with the city council, and some of these guys will not be sitting in those chairs in 2010 elections. Many in our coalition are wising up, looking for candidates. Political action committees are going to be formed. You're going to see a bloodletting that is going to mark a new style of engagement for people who are against same-sex marriage.
D.C.'s Anti-Gay-Marriage Crusader Ponders This Week's Loss [Gilgoff -- U.S. News]
Wow, a "bloodletting"? Personally we like to avoid invoking imagery of humans being drained of their life force whenever we engage in political discourse. But what do we need know? We're not evangelical reverends like Mr. Jackson.
*Here's our favorite bloodletting. It's almost as logical as Mr. Jackson's:
Your thoughts
"You're going to see a bloodletting..."
Every time that these guys open their mouths, it becomes more apparent that they truly fear hate-crimes legislation, because they go out of their way to use incendiary rhetoric meant to incite violence.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Dec 4, 2009 2:46:25 PM
Here is link to our CA Referendum movement to 'Protect Traditional Marriage' the
2010 Marriage Protection Act.
Here is latest notice: Media update: We are re-situated on "The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer" for around 2:50 p.m. PST. We're late in the hour, and if another Christmas-tree-related story comes up, we can get bumped again. I also just did an interview at lunch with ABC 7 San Francisco/LA. I should be on at 5:30 p.m. LA and 6:00 p.m. San Francisco -- I can get bumped there as well. But we'll see.
Posted by: LOrion | Dec 4, 2009 5:11:53 PM
The best way to protect traditional marriage is to make people get a 4 year higher education before they are eligible for marriage. Just like getting a license to do hair, you must go through school to be eligible.
Posted by: Mykelb | Dec 7, 2009 11:27:03 AM
Marriage is between a man and a woman. Heterosexual couples produce children. Gay couples produce AIDs. Know the facts.
If I had it my way I would like to outlaw sodomy completely.
Posted by: MotorCityTough | Jan 1, 2010 1:30:52 AM
I will fight the gay movement till I die. I used to be able to tolerate gay people until you all started shoving your gay agenda down our throats. Not in my country or town. NO GAYS. NO LESBIANS. NO TRANSGENDERS. NO PEDOPHILES. NO BESTIALITY. NO FAIRYS.
Posted by: MotorCityTough | Jan 1, 2010 1:38:00 AM
Oh MCT, you charmer!
Posted by: G-A-Y | Jan 1, 2010 9:32:13 AM
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