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Reason #4,543,019 why FRC should stop shunning gays: Access to better choreography!
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I am so tired of Christian groups hiding behind the word "family" in order to promote a conservative agenda that GUESS WHAT... has nothing to do with families!
Posted by: Bearchewtoy75 | Dec 23, 2009 11:51:26 AM
One of the aspects of spending they seem to have a problem with is troop redeployment. Which side of the aisle is responsible for that? Oh. Right.
Posted by: DN | Dec 23, 2009 12:45:27 PM
What's 5 trillion among friends? Why, that is just about exactly what Dubya and the republicans added to the deficit starting on the day that they stole the 2000 election. Where were these (now miraculously reborn) fiscal conservatives back then? They certainly weren't crowing about taxes. Probably because they were too giddy at the prospect of killing more Muslims.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Dec 23, 2009 3:03:55 PM
Maybe it's just me, but do all the guys in this video look like big ol' closet cases? Except maybe for the dufus with the pen in his shirt pocket. What was he thinking? Props to the guy who took the time to put on that sweater vest. I might have added a festive yet tasteful tie, but that's me.
Posted by: WilliamM | Dec 23, 2009 3:11:07 PM
Hi William,
Actually, I was thinking all those people LOOK ALIKE, period.
Posted by: Regan DuCasse | Dec 23, 2009 6:33:04 PM
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