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The 'lam' of God: Will Lisa Miller come out of hiding?

by Jeremy Hooper

6A00D8341C503453Ef0120A78Ba924970B-1More on far-right martyr Lisa Miller, and the growing concern that she's planning to test whether or not court orders apply to "ex-gay" evangelicals. This from Rutland Herald:

Janet Jenkins filed a missing person report in Virginia on Wednesday in hopes of finding her 7-year-old daughter, according to her lawyer.

But it remains to be seen whether she will take custody of her nonbiological child Friday when a court order requiring her former lesbian partner, Lisa Miller, to transfer custody of the child takes effect.

"She hasn't complied with the court's orders up to this point. I don't know why she would now," said Sarah Star, a Middlebury lawyer representing Jenkins.
Missing person report filed for child [Rutland Herald]

We know that "ex-lesbians" sometimes like to trade in their pants for dresses. But if Miller and her reps at the Liberty Counsel seek to apply this "skirting" to the law itself, then they're going to have a PR situation on their hands that will make the "ex-gay" movement's "beat-the-pillow therapy" look positive in comparison.

For the sake of our "culture war" position, we welcome this possibility. Yet for the more important sake, that of seven-year-old Isabella, we wish we'd never heard either of these two women's names.

**EARLIER: Uhm, maybe hiding with the child is not the best idea. Just a hunch [G-A-Y]

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Your thoughts

So, will the kidnapper be subjected to an Amber Alert after tomorrow morning?

Posted by: Jon | Dec 31, 2009 11:08:53 AM

Is it too much to hope that they all get sent to prison for up to five years for kidnapping and conspiracy charges?

Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Dec 31, 2009 3:34:50 PM

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