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The Purpose Driven Schadenfreude

by Jeremy Hooper

Apparently likening homosexuality to incest and pedophilia, comparing gay relationships to a straight man's desire to sleep with multiple women, and voicing opposition to basic civil equality Rick-headdoesn't bring in the money like it used to. This from Pastor Rick Warren:

With 10% of our church family out of work due to the recession, our expenses in caring for our community in 2009 rose dramatically while our income stagnated. Still, with wise management, we've stayed close to our budget all year. Then... this last weekend the bottom dropped out.

On the last weekend of 2009, our total offerings were less than half of what we normally receive - leaving us $900,000 in the red for the year, unless you help make up the difference today and tomorrow.
News & Views 12/30/09 [Rick's News & Views]

Poor dear. He must not have eaten enough black eyed peas last year.

Though it's hard for one to do so, when their mouth is so busy decrying gay folks' own lip placement!

♪ Should auld condemnations be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should auld comparisons to pedophilia be forgot...
hell no, they should not!!!!!!♪

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Your thoughts

Pity.... Poor Rick. God DOES have a sense of humor.....

Posted by: David Twombley | Dec 31, 2009 9:28:54 AM


Let me get my checkbook, Pr.., uh, Rick. Stay right there. Actually, hold your breath ....

Posted by: Taylor Siluwé | Dec 31, 2009 10:06:06 AM

Like Sarah Palin sees Russia, I can see Saddleback church from my house. For years we've watched constant construction go on as Rick built the Temple of Warren. He probably needs the $900k to finish the landscaping around the new parking garage.

Posted by: Mark | Dec 31, 2009 12:33:30 PM

Let's see - 10% of the flock is out of work but donations are down 50%. Wow, those 10% must have been donating one heck of a lot of money - or, more likely a lot of the flock finally woke up and realized they were being fleeced by the shepherd! Maybe if father Rick would sell of some of the goodies he's purchased over the years with money from the faithful he could somehow salvage his ministry and manage to struggle through another couple of years. And remember Rick, the lord does not like those who beg in His name and you just might pay for it with an eternity in Hell - but then again, we all know that it's always just been about the money the heaven and hell thing was just part of the act.

Posted by: ChrisM | Jan 1, 2010 2:46:18 PM

Cry me a river.

Every time I see a blog posting on this, I giggle.

Posted by: libhomo | Jan 1, 2010 9:58:51 PM

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