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The wheels on the bus go 'ugh, get this nasty ad off of me!'

by Jeremy Hooper

While you were unwrapping your gold, frankincense, and Snuggies, the District of Columbia's equality opponents were wrapping city buses with abject bias:

(Photo: David Uy)
Anti-gay ad on DC Metro buses tests gay community's definitions of free speech [Metro Weekly]

Now, these same opponents (NOM, Harry Jackson, et al) have already been rejected in their bid to put civil rights before a tyrannical majority vote. But nothing is ever certain, as we've sadly learned in states like California and Maine. So it's best to know that the local foes of the 'mos are drumming up public support, in the (unlikely) event that they are granted the right to thumbs up or down our peace and happiness. Since they want to take this conversation public and convince our neighbors that the matter of our fundamental humanity is worthy of a referendum, we must be equally vigilant with our public repudiation of torch-wielding mob rule.

But in the meantime, if you D.C. bus commuters want to take the subway, buy a car, or call in sick (of being treated like a subhuman piece of dirt), we totally understand.

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Your thoughts

This is a very bad story actually. One gay group in DC has come out demanding the ads be removed and another gay group in DC has come out saying that they represent freedom of speech and also slammed the gay group that wants them down.

Then we wonder why we don;t get anywhere.

I have the full story behind that up at back2stonewall if anyone wants to check it out. Its very sad and infuriating.


Posted by: Wolf | Dec 28, 2009 10:14:56 AM

Yea Wolf, I'm watching that ancillary matter with interest (both online and in private conversations). Thanks for your link!!

Posted by: G-A-Y | Dec 28, 2009 10:17:01 AM

thanks. I'm an elementary school music teacher, and now I've got that song running through my head. as if I don't get to sing it enough at my job!

Posted by: keltic | Dec 28, 2009 10:18:43 AM


If you have a second and can send me any further info or links let me know. I am sort of infuriated by this whole affair.

[email protected]

Posted by: Wolf | Dec 28, 2009 10:20:25 AM

I am not calling for the signs to come down, however, I am calling for a boycott of METRO until they take them down. I will not sit on a bus or a metro train with those ads and give the hate profiteers my money.


Posted by: Mykelb | Dec 28, 2009 3:44:13 PM

By 1917, seventeen different states had voted to deny women the right to vote. Thank goodness the will of the many did not outweigh the rights of the few.

The fact that anyone has the ability to vote on another citizens rights or happiness is beyond reason.


Posted by: B4GayMarriage | Dec 28, 2009 11:15:02 PM

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