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Video: Joy to the world, the Lord has [absolutely not] come [around another dude]

by Jeremy Hooper

We didn't even realize there was some big "Jesus was gay" movement going on. But apparently there is. And this man is out to explain why, exactly, J.C. could not have possibly had a male-centric orgasm:

100% Proof Jesus was NOT Gay [YT]

Of course he wasn't gay. He was bi. Duh!

In fact, isn't that why modern people celebrate his birth by holding their own "buy" orgies?

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Your thoughts

And, that is the perfect example of how far the religiots will pervert logic to "support" their arguments. Not only is there evidence within that "proof" that self-refutes the theory, but the entire argument is based on mindless supposition and unsupportable innuendo. But, then, the bar is generally pretty low when it comes to "proving" any religious "theory" to the mindless masses. And, I don't care if any religious person finds my comments to be offensive. Anyone who listens to this moron's argument, and believe that his theory has merit, should be ashamed of their own ignorance. Anyone actively promoting such a "theory" should be ashamed of their own lack of reasoning.

While the lack of proof that one is "straight" is certainly not "proof" that one is gay, the writings which claim that Jesus surrounded himself exclusively with his posse of other "unmarried" men, and one (at least former) prostitute (read: fag hag), is all of the evidence that I need to say that the lying liars are going to need to come up with something much more substantial as their "unequivocal" "proof" that Jesus wasn't one of us.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Dec 18, 2009 1:23:41 PM

Never said it but hung out with 12 guys. Yeah, and he was in his 30's and not married.

Posted by: Tony P | Dec 18, 2009 1:40:04 PM

Amen, Dick (hmmm, that's an interesting name!). When a heteroshitual tries to convince me that homosexuality does not belong to the wise and holy, I call him a liar. Meh.

Posted by: nikko | Dec 18, 2009 2:01:30 PM

Tony P, and that is twelve thirty-something dudes who "supposedly" became "celibate"!

Posted by: Dick Mills | Dec 18, 2009 3:17:37 PM

I think he was "TRADE"! And hung OUT with 12 men in the Olive Garden... probably smoking weed, and just because he said, or the people he hung with said he's not gay reminds me of a few preachers and toe tapping Republicans... and what about the guy who kissed him at the last supper? It was reported it was a signal... B.S. A kiss is just a kiss!
And besides... "There's nothing wrong with that (being gay)" according to Jerry Seinfeld!

Posted by: jerry Pritikin | Dec 19, 2009 8:54:00 AM

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