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Video: Pundits who live in glass 'radicalism'...
Ya know, whenever we hear Concerned Women For America president Wendy Wright going on and on about a supposedly "radical" gay...
...we can't help but wonder: If supporting equality for all is "radical," then what, exactly, is it called when one plays a role in storming a health institution as part of their leadership role with the most incendiary anti-choice group that this country has ever known:
August 21, 1991
Call us unfamiliar with the term "radical," if you must. But somehow we think far nire Americans would more readily apply the label to someone who came to prominence while shilling for anti-abortion extremist Randall Terry than they would to a highly accomplished Georgetown lawyer who simply wants all Americans (including abortion opponents) to live and let live.
*Point of information: This stormed clinic is the same one where the now-murdered George Tiller worked for 34 years.
Your thoughts
Just for future reference, JH, I think that when they are referring to others they use the term "radical", because it sounds scary. But when they are referring to themselves, they prefer the term "jihadist", because that just sounds batshit-crazy scary!
Posted by: Dick Mills | Dec 14, 2009 1:18:03 PM
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