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Audio: Because gays/pro-equality soldiers are apparently motherless lab rats
*Source: Penny Nance Reacts to the State of the Union [Concerned Women For America]
Uh huh. And we're sure that when this current time of war is over, these folks are going to be all kinds of into experimentin'. Right? Riiiiiiiiight.
Here's what we think: We think that a time of war is arguably the BEST time to stop discharging tax-paying citizens on the sole basis -- THE SOLE BASIS! -- of their love lives. Plus we think that their preconceived script has them opposing this repeal not because of any great research or internal struggle, but rather because gays and lesbians are the ones who have something to gain. And we also think know that if the Penny Nances, Tony Perkins, and John McCains of the world keep acting like gay existences are lived in test tubes rather than on the same plane of reality as everyone else, they are going to lose this so-called "culture war" faster than you can say "you don't have to be straight to shoot straight."
Your thoughts
If there was a law against people who were openly Christian serving in the military, wouldn't those guys be insisting this discriminatory policy be immediately changed, whether or not a state of war exists?
Posted by: Dan T. | Jan 28, 2010 2:47:30 PM
And, as for "undermining the top leadership" of the military, isn't the top of that chain of command the Commander in Chief himself? How can he be undermining his own leadership?
Posted by: Dan T. | Jan 28, 2010 2:51:06 PM
So, then, Ms. Nance, Mr. Perkins, and Mr. McCain... it makes more sense to kick out perfectly qualified soldiers in a time of war, diminishing our military's strength and ability to win this similarly impossible to win war?
And, to agree with Jeremy, please don't pretend that once we're not in a war, you're going to embrace the idea of soldiers being openly gay or that your main concern is for the morale and cohesion of the troops. You do not give a damn about our military. It's insulting not only to gay Americans, but to our military!
Posted by: Bearchewtoy75 | Jan 29, 2010 2:31:05 AM
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