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Because his razor is otherwise occupied slicing and dicing our rights
He's long encouraged gay men to marry females, even if it goes against their nature. But now Tony Perkins has fully committed to his bearding advocacy:
We actually like the look, T-dog! Genuinely. It makes the anti-gay rhetoric that flies out of your mouth infinitely more "bear"-able (or at the very least, "cub"-able).
Now if you'll just let equality grow the way it naturally wants to, then we'll be smooth.
(H/t: RWW)
Your thoughts
I really hate when people label other people as being gay just because of the way they look or might act - But OMG he so looks like a 'mo!
Posted by: Alonzo | Jan 15, 2010 3:15:53 PM
lol he actually looks like Bob the Trainor from the BIGGEST LOSER...I swear Perkins is a Closet Case....G-A-Y!!
Posted by: Disgusted American | Jan 15, 2010 4:06:38 PM
Yes, I've been horny for TP ever since I first saw his pic. He's hot! And I'm willing to bet he's pervy in bed in man-on-man sex. Will those who know from first-hand experience, please speak up?!
Posted by: Coxygru | Jan 15, 2010 4:17:46 PM
What the WHOA HEY, I like Twink Tony, not Bear Tony!
I take this as a personal affront.
Posted by: Evan Hurst | Jan 15, 2010 4:25:23 PM
OMG...He does like Bob for the Biggest Loser!
Posted by: Alonzo | Jan 15, 2010 5:53:50 PM
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