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Electing to discriminate: SD mayor on govt-peeps correlation

by Jeremy Hooper
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"If government tolerates discrimination against anyone it is very easy for citizens to do the same thing"
-San Diego's Republican mayor, Jerry Sanders, testifying at the Prop 8 federal trial

Simple. True. And far too unacknowledged.

When the tone-setters crow discordant notes, their song hits home with everyone. For LGBT people, those hits turn all too literal all too often!

Just be nice. Or even decent. Neither are nearly as hard as being an ass.

*More on Sanders' testimony: Sanders Admits Prejudice In Prop 8 Court Case Testimony [10 News]

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Your thoughts

G-A-Y nerd here thinks that the quote should be in blue. He's definately a blue.

Posted by: Sykler | Jan 19, 2010 5:58:09 PM

Jeremy, are you sure that should be red?

He is a supporter of same sex marriage.

Posted by: Sam | Jan 19, 2010 6:01:10 PM

God, I've been so bad about doing that lately!


Posted by: G-A-Y | Jan 19, 2010 6:03:21 PM

What may be equally as telling is that he never considered that his anti-marriage-equality decision was based on animus, until he saw the hurt that his decision was causing to the LGBTs that he counts as friends. Upon reconsidering his long held position that DPs and CUs are adequate, he discovered that he (himself) had come to his conclusion based on personal prejudice. Personal prejudice that was so ingrained that he didn't even realize that it was influencing his decision. Very important for eliminating the "rational" basis for Prop H8.

And, on the red/blue issue: Is Red for Republican?? If so, then he is still a Republican, right?? Just not a knuckle dragging Neanderthal...

Posted by: Dick Mills | Jan 19, 2010 9:07:57 PM

Dick: No, this site's blue is for enlightened/progressive/ass-kicky. It's nonpartisan.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Jan 19, 2010 9:16:03 PM

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