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Equality in Bloom
"As a civil rights lawyer for 23 years, there is no question at all in my mind that as a matter of constitutional law, the federal court must strike down any law that creates a subclass of Americans, shutting them out of legal privileges and protections available to others, merely because they are gay.
Demeaning and disrespecting gay people is a constitutional affront."
-Lisa Bloom, writing for CNN.com
to form a more perfect Union
establish Justice
insure domestic Tranquility
promote the general Welfare
secure the Blessings of Liberty
And no preamble provides for the common anti-equality defense: "But we don't gays to civilly marry because our personal faith says no!"
Your thoughts
So odd. . .the media conversation in general is so overwhelmingly positive.
P.S: Hey Jeremy please post your twitter feed again . . .all the others gave me a migraine.
Posted by: Jon | Jan 12, 2010 11:36:31 AM
Jeremy, the same Bible-b.s. was used during the Civil War-era, as well as during Segregation, and inter-racial marriage in an effort to subjugate a minority each and every time. When will this country learn?!
Posted by: Wade MacMorrighan | Jan 12, 2010 2:31:51 PM
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