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♪ Sunrise, Sunset ♪
"There’s another theme here which is about tradition. Remember the Fiddler on the Roof song? The Prop. 8 side appeals to their concept of tradition. The only problem is that their idea of tradition either never existed or only existed when women and people of color had fewer rights than white men." -Rick Jacobs, Courage Campaign
**See Rick's complete wrap-up of Prop 8 federal trial, Day 2: Wrapping Up Day 2 [Prop 8 Trial Tracker]
**ALSO: Andy Towle has all kinds of links to Day 2 coverage
Your thoughts
As Rick says, we are living in a moment that will define history. It is excruciating, and daunting, and the defeats are disheartening. But we do win... occasionally. And, we do win eventually. And, most of all, we win every time that we refuse to accept defeat. In ten years we may all be sipping drinks on a beach somewhere, reminiscing about the dark ages that forged us. Beaten and battered as we have been, and will be, in the end we do, nonetheless, win.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Jan 12, 2010 8:45:35 PM
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