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The Godfalter
MassResistance isn't the only SPLC hate group thrilled by Scott Brown's election. The Traditional Values Coalition, one of the other eleven anti-gay groups to hold that dubious distinction, is also stoked by the win. In fact, TVC is so emboldened by this one seat victory that they feel it gives them license to literally start likening our President to America's most notorious mobster:
American’s [sic] are disgusted by the Al Capone in the White House and his goon squad led by a Frank Nitti character named Rahm Emanuel.
Fortunately, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has just seen his 60-vote majority evaporate – which means Obama’s socialist plans to destroy our health care system are in jeopardy.
Don’t count on an easy victory over health care. President Capone and his gang have a lot riding on nationalizing health care.
Republican Scott Brown Takes Mass. Senate Seat! [TVC]
So the most powerful person in the free world doesn't sing the political tune that they would like, so they claim his tune is that of a Soprano?! How Jesus-y.
Though perhaps we should be glad that they're focusing on this kind of mob rule and not the tyrannical anti-gay variety that they usually find so endearing.
Your thoughts
"emboldened" is an understatement if you've watched any of the oppositions sites/feeds. . .even Maggie has gone from "smug & condescending" to "pompous & orgiastic".
But then . .We're looking forward to the Tam testimony, so shout "G.A.Y. twitterfeed" . . . .please?
Posted by: Jon | Jan 21, 2010 12:07:00 PM
Jeremy said "So the leader of the free world doesn't sing the political tune that they would like".
He's not the leader of the free world. We have our own leaders and we don't kowtow to any American wannabe dictator.
Posted by: Priya Lynn | Jan 21, 2010 2:15:35 PM
Ooh, weird, PL -- not sure why I typed that. Meant to say "most powerful person," not "leader."
Posted by: G-A-Y | Jan 21, 2010 2:33:24 PM
Thanks for the correction, that's a pet peeve of mine.
Posted by: Priya Lynn | Jan 22, 2010 2:09:18 PM
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