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The reliable writer's remorse of one Miles McPherson
Alvin McEwen has posted an interesting article about San Diego pastor Miles McPherson and his attempts to get out of testifying in the federal Prop 8 trial. We say interesting, because it falls right in line with McPherson's history of wanting to say completely nutty and untrue things about gay people, and then hide whenever scrutiny comes his way.
As Alvin notes in his article, McPherson was found to have scrubbed an article from his Rock Church website once gay activists (led by Alvin himself) noted that it contained highly offensive, highly unscientific "stats" from the notorious Paul Cameron. Namely this one:
There are also moral repercussions stemming from homosexual behavior as evidenced by the fact that one third of all sexual crimes against children are committed by homosexuals even though they are representative of only one percent of the population.
It's completely made up. Completely out-of-line. And now that folks have noted it, it's completely scrubbed from McPherson's church site. Quietly, of course, with no apology offered.
But we now want to build on Alvin's work and note another instance of convenient scrubbing that we stumbled on back in the summer of '08. At the time, we noted that McPherson had posted a thoroughly incendiary screed about just how Devilish we gay folk innately are, and how pleasing our unions are to our Lord Beezlebub:
Last week San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom said gay marriage throughout the entire country is "inevitable. ... It's going to happen, whether you like it or not." Well, this has nothing to do with whether we "like" gay marriage or not. It's not up to us; God has made it clear in His Word that homosexuality is wrong, and marriage is between a man and a woman.
Regardless of how you feel about the Bible, it's clear from Scripture that God didn't just create humans so that they could decide which they wanted to be, male and female. No, he created male and female in preparation for the
institution of marriage, a relationship reflecting the full glory of His image.
Marriage is a picture of Christ and His Bride, the Church. And the devil wants to destroy the church -- as a matter of fact, Satan wants to destroy God's image. The evil one is having a field day right now, and I believe
things are going to get worse before they get better.
This isn't a political or cultural battle; it's a spiritual battle being fought right before your eyes. This issue is so much bigger than either side realizes. As Satan uses the marriage issue to attack the image of God, I urge you to pray for our state. Pray for our leaders. Pray for our legal system and that the eyes of the judges be opened to what is going on around them. Pray for wisdom and discernment in our words and our actions as we move forward with this. God does not always call us to win the battle here on earth, but He does call us to stand up for what is right.
What side are you on?
But then, true to McPherson form, his blog was scrubbed of all evidence of this post. Gone in the wind. Never to be seen again. We'd bet considerable cash that this was due to his raised public presence during the Prop 8 campaign, perhaps even due to pressure from the higher ups. Because if there's one thing these kids hate more than the Devil, it's transparency and full disclosure.
What McPherson didn't consider? That the Internet Archive exists, preserving his handiwork for all of time. Because of the wonders of data retrieval, we can all quite clearly see what he wrote on this June/08 day, just as we can still find the scrubbed Cameron stats that he quoted back in 2004. Something we sincerely hope the lawyers who will soon question Mr. McPherson have also done!
*SEE ALSO: The time he compared us to cockroaches
*SEE ALSO: The time he quoted rabid 'mo foe Matt Barber, pretending that he was really citing the CDC: Don't judge a man until you've walked through Miles of his slurs [G-A-Y]
Your thoughts
Ugh.......once again, your observations are spot on. I am thankful for every bit of Perry v. Schwarzeneger. Finally, accountability and responsibility is being demanded from those whose sole intent is to squish us like "cockroaches."
Posted by: Michael | Jan 22, 2010 11:21:29 AM
Soooo....am I understanding it correctly, then, that ProtectMarriage.Com (which was apparently the group responsible for getting Prop 8 on the ballot), and all of their witnesses, were essentially created and funded by extreme anti-Gay religious groups, or their witnesses are religious persons? Seems like a Christian conspiracy to explicitly target a minority to me! Is there a smoking gun to the effect that ProtectMarriage is actually a religious organization?
Posted by: Wade MacMorrighan | Jan 22, 2010 11:42:59 AM
I'm not religious, but I may just take some of Mr. McPherson's adivce and, "[p]ray for our legal system and that the eyes of the judges be opened to what is going on around them."
Funny thing about Freedom of Speech, Mr. McPherson - things you say can come back to bite you.
Posted by: DN | Jan 22, 2010 11:48:58 AM
The statement above by Pastor McPherson is right on the money and very true! What he wrote is very clearly within his Freedom of Speech rights! I agree with the statement wholeheartedly and God will certainly have the last word and He has already declared that He will judge all Sodomites/Homosexuals and other sexually immoral people!
Posted by: James Perkins | Jan 22, 2010 7:17:50 PM
“What homosexuals do is so incredibly stupid, so patently absurd and antibiological, that only a foolish society would take their whimpering about ‘equal rights with heterosexuality’ seriously . . . Are we supposed to feel so sorry for them that we join them in the march to the cemetery?” - Paul Cameron, The Advocate, October 29, 1985
Posted by: James Perkins | Jan 22, 2010 7:18:27 PM
James: Well yea, of course it's in his free speech rights. Obviously. But it's in our rights to call it crazy.
Oh, and please, by all means, keep citing Paul Cameron. We actually welcome it. Helps our cause much more than yours.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Jan 22, 2010 7:23:29 PM
For the record, "James" went on Pam's House Blend and my blogs to leave messages. I'm guessing that it was him since I see that he left a message on your blog too Jeremy.
Of course on my blogs, his messages were ugly as hell. I may post about them.
Posted by: a. mcewen | Jan 22, 2010 8:16:36 PM
So, if the plaintiffs are resting on Monday, and since I have seen no transcripts from McFerson and Garlow, and no depos, so it sounds like they were successful at quashing the subpoenas?
Posted by: Dick Mills | Jan 23, 2010 2:16:01 AM
James -- I've found that some of the most sexually immoral people have been -- wait for it -- HETEROSEXUAL!
As to "Sodomites"? Dear boy you need to go pouring through your precious bible and find alllll those cross-references to Sodom. Read them and then come back and tell us what those cross-references told you why Sodom was destroyed...
Otherwise, I'd like to know if you're married and what was the dowry you paid her owner (I mean father). If you have any girls, have you already promised them to another family in marriage already, or is she up for auction?
Posted by: Marlene | Jan 23, 2010 10:50:47 AM
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