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Audio: It's like the guy who'd push my face in mud whenever I peacefully picked flowers
How ugly does the #CPAC10 rhetoric get? Well, look no further than Jason Matterra.
Women who attended Woodstock are ugly, our president should be likened to cocaine abuse, black male feminists (as well as RuPaul and Barney Frank) are worthy of scorn by virtue of their existence, Obama Girl is slutty. And so on and so on:
(← click to play audio clip)
The can call it TEA all they want. We have a real handle on the steamed up stuff that they spout. The premium is placed on aggression, not progress.
Your thoughts
Why do only white people go to these events then laugh at diversity like it's a bad thing?
Posted by: Marci Wyzdyx | Feb 18, 2010 5:12:27 PM
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