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Bayh, Evan -- now can we say hayh to equality?

by Jeremy Hooper

Fair-minded treatment of LGBT people is kind of what the Stonewall Democrats are all about. Now they're hoping to see the same in the Democratic nominee to replace outgoing U.S. Senator Evan Bayh.

Oh, and you can totally help. Go sign their petition insisting that the Indiana Democratic Party run a pro-equality candidate:

URGENT: Demand the Indiana Democratic Party to select a nominee for Senate who will fight for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Hoosiers in Congress.
Indiana Democratic Party: Pick A Nominee That Will Fight For ALL Hoosiers! [National Stonewall Democrats]

Hoosier (D)? Whoever it is, there's no room for (D-iscrimination)!

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Your thoughts

I'm glad to see we are trying to fight to get a good candidate here. Reports I've seen say the Democrats are leaning toward Brad Ellsworth, one of the most conservative Democrats in the House and a suporter of the FederalMarriage Amendment. We definately need to push them to choose someone else. We'll probably end up with a blue Dog, but Ellsworth is the worst of the options.

Posted by: Ken | Feb 18, 2010 7:25:21 PM

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