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Contrary to Liberty Counsel's belief, the law apparently does apply to Lisa Miller
This from the AP:
RUTLAND, Vt. (AP) ― A Vermont judge has ordered the arrest of a woman who has refused to turn over her 7-year-old daughter to her former lesbian partner.
Family Court Judge William Cohen found Lisa Miller of Forest, Va., in contempt of court during a hearing Tuesday and issued the arrest warrant.
Arrest Ordered In Vt. Same-sex Parent Custody Case [AP via WJZ]
Lisa Miller's running out of time to skirt the law. Which of course means she's building up the length of time that she'll get to be a far-right martyr.
Our thoughts remains with young Isabella.
*Clarity note: The current arrest warrant only applies to VT, but it could turn into a felony criminal charge against Miller which would traverse state lines.
Your thoughts
Thank you for posting this. I was WONDERING what was going on and taking so damn long on this. Hasn't it been a month now since Lisa failed to show up to transfer custody? Ridiculous.
Posted by: Aya | Feb 23, 2010 5:01:47 PM
That's what it seemed like to me, I'm dancing a jig right now.
They fought the law and the..LAW WON!~
Posted by: Bry | Feb 23, 2010 7:50:19 PM
You misread the article. The warrant is only effective in Vermont, hence a purely symbolic gesture. Unless she is dumb enough to move to Vermont, the law can't touch her.
Posted by: Leo | Feb 24, 2010 1:43:27 AM
Leo: Where is the implied misread? We never stated anything contrary to what you said. Only that Lisa is running out of time to skirt the law.
Yes, the arrest warrant only applies to VT. But the working thought is that the warrant could turn into a felony criminal charge against Miller, which would of course traverse state lines.
I'll add a note to the post.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Feb 24, 2010 8:36:39 AM
If they issue a kidnapping charge and the woman is across state lines, doesn't that cause the FBI to get involved in an inter-state crime?
Posted by: Mykelb | Feb 24, 2010 11:59:16 AM
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