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Goodwill, Hunted

by Jeremy Hooper

Duncan HunterAccording to numerous reports, Congressman Duncan Hunter (Very Far R-CA) was just on NPR, where, among other things, he cited "hermaphroditism" as a reason why we should not repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell, going to suggest that it was a "sexual preference."

We'll get you that audio when we can. In the meantime, try to contain your preference for pulling your pants down and showing the state of your genitalia to your commanding officer, lest a conservative who feels like putting his own nutty views on display might try to have you discharged.


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Your thoughts

Just had one of those NPR "I could not leave the car..." moments during this segment. Where is this guy from and how ignorant can he be? His comment about other countries who have an open policy don't have as good a military as we do seems a bit egotistical. "We're not Canada..."

Jeremy, If you don't have the link, ere is the link from WHYY in Philadelphia

It says audio pending for 7:00 pm

Posted by: Bob Miller | Feb 2, 2010 5:34:17 PM

Duncan Hunter is certainly ignorant and bigoted and would oppose repeal of DADT under any circumstances. But since the gay community has, for some inexplicable reason decided to attach itself to the concept of transgenderism, we have no basis for objecting to Hunter's statements about hermaphrodites and cross-dressers in the military. In an moment of self-destructive stupidity, we decided to rename ourselves "LGBT" thereby identifying ourselves with a whole range of behaviors which are completely distinct from sexual orientation. We shouldn't be surprised when that definition, so thoughtlessly embraced, comes back to bite us.

Posted by: Ziggy | Feb 2, 2010 8:56:51 PM

How did she not break out laughing during his stumble over transbigaylesbi... all kinds of people... into the military. That was hilarious.
What does he think will happen if this is changed? Gaybitranlesbian... all kinds of soldiers will be given pride flags, pink uniforms, and sheets with pink triangles on them to be sure their straight counterparts know who they are? There are other codes of conducts that all soldiers adhere to that this will not touch. This isn't a social experiment. It is a freedom that soldiers deserve. If they wish to risk their life defending freedom, shouldn't they be able to freely express their love?

Posted by: joshinseould | Feb 4, 2010 4:40:14 AM

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