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'Invalid argument' indeed
You know Bryan Fischer, that American Family Association radio personality who compared homosexuality to IV drug use and who suggested that we LGBT folks should be "detoxed"? Yea, well -- you might wanna go over to the AFA site and try to connect to Facebook so that you can leave a comment on Mr. Fischer's unfortunate piece. For if you do, you will see just how wise Facebook truly is:
Legal Sanctions for Homosexual Behavior [AFA]
(h/t John Walsh)
You just can't write it, the comment or the comedy.
Your thoughts
Posted by: Evan Hurst | Feb 1, 2010 12:06:41 PM
Speaking as a geek, it looks like they set their application's base domain to the subdomain action.afa.net and then attempted to have it access something in www.afa.net, which isn't a subdomain of the former; they should have instead set the base domain to simply afa.net so that both 'action' and 'www' were subdomains of it.
Speaking as an advocate of separation of church and state, I regard any reference to what is allegedly mandated biblically as being completely irrelevant to what ought to be legislated in a secular republic.
Posted by: Dan T. | Feb 1, 2010 12:29:31 PM
I do worry that this *could* happen! Especially not being a federally-recognized Suspect Class; and, even if we were, couldn't states just sort of ignore that decree, anyway? After all, I remember reading an article (was it in Genre?) that some parents were forcing their children into asylums and forcing them to undergo reparative therapy! According to the article (which I wished I'd saved!), some of the teens escaped and found a GLBT safe-house in which they lived in constant fear of being found until they turned 18.
Hmmmm....anyone know more about this? perhaps some else remembers an article of this sort in one of the popular GLBT 'zines...
Posted by: Wade MacMorrighan | Feb 1, 2010 1:03:04 PM
Dan T. is right. As far as selective scriptural belief, they need to follow ALL of Leviticus, ALL of the Old Testament, ALL of the New Testament for example. They can't just pick and choose.
Of course that would require they read the OT and NT. If they don't they'll just use the selective method picking out quotes to support their pre-fixed point.
Posted by: Tony P | Feb 1, 2010 1:23:00 PM
Bryan Fisher should be tortured. Because that is what he is advocating for gay people, and as a Christian, he should reap what he sows. Bring back the lions.
Posted by: Jonathan | Feb 1, 2010 1:27:06 PM
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