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Poll: Octogenarian heads of AL Repub. advocacy groups will prob. not buy you a gay wedding gift

by Jeremy Hooper

Republicans, Southerners, and those who are 65+ are still wildly more likely to stand against us. This according to a new ABC News/WaPo poll:

Q. Do you think it should be legal or illegal for gay and lesbian couples to get married?               --- Legal ----   -- Illegal ---              NET   Strongly   NET   Strongly All          47       31      50       42  Democrat     60       45      39       32 Independent  50       32      48       38 Republican   27       13      69       58  Northeast    55       41      39       31 Midwest      48       28      50       39 South        37       26      61       52 West         57       34      41       34  Age 18-29    65       51      33       26 Age 30-64    47       28      51       42 Age 65+      30       20      66       57
Post-ABC Poll: Views on gay marriage steady, more back civil unions [WaPo]

If this poll doesn't scare the crap out of professional anti-equality activist Maggie Gallagher, then she's not paying attention. Perhaps because she's otherwise occupied with the top secret building of a time machine.

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