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Procrast-this-nation: Palin plays the 'not right now' card
Because to the far right, justice delayed is apparently okay as long as its "just us" who are denied...
Palin Says Congress Should Not Repeal DADT 'Right Now' [TP via YT]
So let's get this straight: After decades of debating this matter, and with growing public opinion polls that show majorities in favor of DADT repeal, we still have to wait to allow openly gay soldiers to fight and possibly die for their country because some people think we're not ready. However, a one-term governor who quit her job heading the 48th most populated state so that she could -- let's be honest -- cash in while the spotlight is red hot, and who has said some of the most divisive and incendiary things in modern political history ("death panels" "real America"), is totally ready to lead this nation?! What's wrong with this picture?!
Folks, we must not write this one off as viable. Our equality is at stake. The writing's on the hand.
Your thoughts
Its these reasons why I'm glad I voted for Obama.
Dumb lonely christian bitch.
Posted by: Sam | Feb 8, 2010 10:16:51 AM
Radical anti-gay activist Palin is against equality for law-abiding, taxpaying, gay Americans. Her goal is to use the government to impose her "religious beliefs" on the rest of us. (We see the results of that "religious belief" right now in Uganda.) Thus, she is using the same tactic as other conservative extremists in government and Congress by making sure that Obama accomplishes nothing and Democrats lose the 2010 election. Instead of siding with large corporations and the wealthy, she (they) need to help fix the problems we have in this country and stop fomenting fear and division to do so.
Posted by: Michael | Feb 8, 2010 10:24:29 AM
Ugh...really! I don't understand the problem, I mean really! Whoever wants to fight for their country should be allowed to! Obviously if gays want to enter the military that is what they had in mind, not preying on poor innocent heteros. Good grief!
Posted by: Elisabeth S. Paquet | Feb 8, 2010 4:54:35 PM
Funny how our rights are always less important than anything else.
And I suspect that's how she wants her stance here to be perceived, as slighting gay people. That would play well to much or most of her "pro-America" base.
She sounds like those closet racist whites who talk about black people with irritation or dismissiveness, saying they don't want to have to be bothered with "it" (anything to do with black people). Palin used "it" in the same way to refer to our rights here.
Posted by: Donny D. | Feb 11, 2010 7:32:18 AM
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