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Reserve opinion: No more 'Tell', that's all they'll tell

by Jeremy Hooper

They haven't yet come out in favor of repeal. However, the 63,000-member Reserve Officers Association has decided to dedicate their proficiency with the concept of reserving toward their own opinions about gays in camo:

WASHINGTON – Members of the Reserve Officers Association of the United States voted Wednesday to rescind its previous call for complete exclusion of gays and lesbians serving in the U.S. military.

The association also rejected by a two-thirds vote a proposal to endorse the current Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) law, which allows gays and lesbians to serve, provided they keep silent about their sexual orientation.

“While our membership voted down a position supporting the current law, our actions fell short of endorsing the administration’s current position that would allow gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military,” said retired Rear Admiral Paul T. Kayye, ROA president. “No inference should be made as to the association’s position as we do not currently have one on this issue."
*READ MORE: Reserve Officers Association changes position on gays in the military [ROA]
(H.t: @sisterstalk)

So ironically, they're closeting their thoughts. But hey, at least they're moving in the right direction rather than the far-right one.

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Your thoughts

I really REALLY hope that they're not gonna try for some BS compromise on this!

Posted by: Bearchewtoy75 | Feb 12, 2010 11:34:28 PM

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