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'Til the one day when the lady met this fellow (and *only* a fellow)
The man who's expected to obtain the Republican nomination for Illinois governor, Sen Bill Brady (R-Bloomington), is betting his electoral chances on that tried and true right-wing concept: Hurting gay people for sport:
GOP Hopeful Brady: Ban Gay Marriages [NBC Chicago]
We have nothing to add, really. A Republican candidate hoping to sail to victory on the back of civil bias. What hasn't already been said? For insight and/or witticisms, see Christie '08, Crist '06, or any other form of gubernatorial Christianity-exploitation '00-'10.
Your thoughts
Crist 06.......almost as big of a joke as his wedding. That man has lived in St. Petersburg TOO long to think his skeletons have stayed in the closet.
I know a few young pool boys that would agree with me as well!!!
Posted by: Jen | Feb 12, 2010 7:41:55 AM
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