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Ugandan official: Shoot, a powerful messenger called our odious thing 'odious'

by Jeremy Hooper

It's literally been hours since President Obama criticized the odiously anti-gay Uganda bill. But there's been enough time for Ugandan officials to catch wind of our head of state's thoughts, and to in turn tell him to mind his own business:

"Somebody should tell President Obama that the parliament is doing its legislative duty in the interest of the people of Uganda," James Nsaba Buturo, Ugandan minister of ethics and integrity, told AFP.
Buturo, one of the main Ugandan proponents of the bill which would further criminalise homosexuality and even gay rights advocacy, vowed that Ugandan MPs would not be swayed by US or any outside criticism.

"We cannot tell the Senate what to do. We cannot tell Congress what to do. So why do they feel that they can tell us what we should do in the interest of our people?" he asked.

Uganda rebuffs Obama on gay Bill [AFP via CapitalFM]

Well, Mr Buturo: Because when the topic is imprisonment and even slaughter of certain kinds of human beings, the interest turns a little more global in scope. Especially when U.S. ties to the bill are obvious and, yes, odious!

But, Mr. Buturo, if you ever do want to tell our Congress or Senate to not kill or imprison gay people, we're sure our leadership will be fine with that. Peace can and should be a global concern.


**UPDATE: Oh, and now our own American evangelicals are weighing in. Cliff Kincaid is now playing the shoot the messenger (or "shoot, a powerful messenger just called us out!") game: Public Policy Group Defends Uganda's Christians [Christian Newswire]

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Your thoughts

Does the current version of the bill still contain an extradition clause? Because if it does, that's one more reason for why it should be a global concern.

Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Feb 4, 2010 4:27:27 PM

They're doing legislative doody, all right.

Posted by: Dan T. | Feb 4, 2010 4:59:48 PM

I hope that if that law passes in Uganda that the administration will follow-up their words with actions by cutting ties with them and encouraging congress to cut off any aid.

Posted by: Jon | Feb 4, 2010 5:55:19 PM

Loved this line in the "Christian" "News" Wire story -- The United States "is threatening to cut-off foreign aid if the nation doesn't bend over to the demands of the homosexual lobby." Gee, I wonder if they routinely use the phrase "bend over" when they mean "give in". Normal people, of course, just say "bend". I swear, these people think about anal sex more than any gay man I've ever met...

Posted by: Denys Howard | Feb 4, 2010 8:52:14 PM

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