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Video: And now comes the part of #CPAC10 where brave soldiers are negligently diminished

by Jeremy Hooper

VIDEO: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Supporters’ Press Conference at CPAC [HRC]

**SEE ALSO: The "research" packs that were passed out at the event:

(You'll have to zoom in -- bottom leftish)

CMR DADT "research"

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Your thoughts

I watch them, and wonder if they are aware of how entirely inconsequential that they, and their hollow rhetoric, are. We know that they keep spouting their contempt for all things LGBT, because that is what their indenture contract with their (corporate and or billionaire) owners requires. But even they must be aware of the fact that they are not resonating with enough Americans to matter.

DADT is just one of the anti-gay rants that they regularly visit, and, they have had more success with other hatemongering against LGBTs, but they still keep sounding the same hollow tones against DADT that don't seem to be earning them any new adherents. Is it just to squeeze more green out of the faithful??

Posted by: Dick Mills | Feb 18, 2010 10:31:18 PM



Posted by: Rodg | Feb 19, 2010 12:08:44 AM

On one hand, these people are deadly serious and are a threat to honorable men and women in uniform. On the other hand, they're hi-freaking-larious. Their transparent agenda and their rankling use of fear-words actually had me laughing by the end.

Posted by: DN | Feb 19, 2010 9:10:20 PM

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