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Video: Gay from the horse's mouth
More from the far-right's newest object of obfuscation, Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler:
Talking always trumps talking points. Unfortunately listening still does not always trump mind-made-upiness. We shift the paradigm, we end this silly "war."
**You can read the Gansler opinion here.
Your thoughts
...as opposed from the other end of the horse, where some of the other opinions seem to come from?
I'm having trouble getting that video to play; it just stalls indefinitely when I click on the play button.
Posted by: Dan T. | Feb 26, 2010 6:53:15 PM
This is not pertinent to this thread, but I thought I'd let you know that the "user survey" that pops up for your blog asks people "what they're going to be doing in the next six months" (such as having a baby, etc.). They ask if you're going to get married, but there's nothing about unions, dps, or moving in with partners.
I'm sorry, but this is a fucking gay site. I'm not going to cram myself into a stupid hetero box for those fuckers over my morning coffee when I'm here to read gay news.
Posted by: echoecho | Feb 27, 2010 12:27:15 PM
Good to know about the survey. I'll look into it/ remove it.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Feb 27, 2010 12:39:48 PM
"Marketing types" are cramming silly surveys into sites of all sorts, often roping webmasters, bloggers, podcasters, etc., into promoting the surveys as a way to "help us improve the site/blog/podcast". I think surveys could be a fine thing for helping improve a site if they actually asked questions relevant to that particular site, but mostly they're a mass of generic marketing demographic questions of no particular relevance to the site's content; they're just an attempt to better shove ads at the readers.
Posted by: Dan T. | Feb 27, 2010 12:52:47 PM
JH, That survey popped up for me a week or so ago, and I got through about 3 of the questions, and then it asked some things that I would never answer on an internet connection. It seemed a bit like phishing... I probably should have told you, but I thought that maybe my paranoia was just getting the better of me.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Feb 28, 2010 4:57:57 PM
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