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♪ ...and watch a hawk makin' lazy loopholes in the law ♪

by Jeremy Hooper

Steve-russell-not-OKTulsa World, Oklahoma's second most-circulated newspaper, has come out against Republican state senator Steve Russell's proposal to prevent federal law enforcement from acting in accordance with LGBT-inclusive hate crimes law:

The bill apparently does not seek to repeal federal or state hate crimes protections in place that are based on race, national origin, religion or disability. But it excludes hate crimes perpetrated on the basis of actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity, two categories added to a federal hate crimes law last fall.

There's no good reason, in this day and age, for the bill's passage. But if it does get through the House — its next stop — let's hope that Gov. Brad Henry does what should have been done in the first place — stop it in its tracks.

Question of fairness -- Bill would circumvent federal law [Tulsa World]

Indeed. If the House and the Governor pass this thing, then there's going to be a pro-gay backlash that makes Sally Kern's worst offenses seem like Lady Gaga hits in comparison. The implications are just that bad.

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Your thoughts

I seem to recall there being a rather bloody war to settle exactly this kind of thing.

Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Mar 15, 2010 1:55:11 PM

Congress: You should not target people for violent crime simply because they are gay.

Russell: Yes you should, yes you should!!

I wonder what he thinks the outcome is going to be.

Posted by: Timothy Kincaid | Mar 15, 2010 4:16:42 PM

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